Another HIMSS in the books (thank you Las Vegas) and many will return to work as usual. Some will remember great moments and integrate new thinking in their work. A few, maybe you, will change the world with innovation.
A quick recap of insights and actionable news:
1. “Healthcare is ripe for innovation and must be much simpler for patients – appointment scheduling, medication reconciliation, pre-procedure preparation, adhering to medication and follow-up orders, determining co-pay and deductibles…really simpler for physicians and caregivers as well”, shared Eric Thrailkill, VP and CIO for AMSURG, an Envision Healthcare Solution. “Ten years ago, very few of our centers offered surgery on a Saturday – the world is different today, consumer expectations are high and healthcare must think like other industries, where transparency and convenience become what we offer patients. A ‘shoppable’ experience with access to schedules, quality and safety scores and an “Open Table” experience for surgeries and services.” [@AmSurgCorp, Virsys12/Healthcare IT Leaders Breakfast]
2. “Next focus on healthcare will likely include next generation revenue cycle management transformation – engaging with patients in a better simplified way, provider investment dollars going toward the patient – not the back room, robotic process automation, and artificial intelligence,” according to Tommy Lewis, SVP Strategic Initiatives for Change Healthcare. “On the business side of healthcare, we have to stop thinking about automating disparate processes and start tying the disparate processes together. Blockchain is not to the point of enhancing the patient experience yet but we enabled our network to memorialize every transaction (50 million per day) when we went live in December.” [@Change_HC, Virsys12/Healthcare IT Leaders Breakfast]
3. Meaningful Use overhaul is coming because “It is extremely rare for different provider systems to be able to share data,” according to CMS Administrator Seema Verma at the HIMSS 18 keynote on March 5. “In most cases … it’s in the financial interest of the provider systems to hold on to the data for their patients.” Verma also unveiled Medicare’s Blue Button 2.0, a web application that provides a secure way for Medicare beneficiaries to access and share their personal health data in a universal digital format. The application will allow patients to access and share their healthcare information, previous prescriptions, treatments and procedures with a new doctor; such sharing can reduce duplication in testing and provide continuity of care.
4. Reactions from registrants and media were mixed to news on Thursday from the White House around healthcare – ranging from positive to questioning including this from HISTalk: “The White House and HHS used the HIMSS conference to come out shockingly forcefully in vowing to attack information blocking; to give patients more control over their information; to move more quickly into value-based care; to reduce physician EHR burden; and to disrupt the system in which health systems keep charging more without delivering commensurately improved outcomes. Nobody knows how these talking points will get turned into policy.” [Dr. Jane, HISTalk Monday Update 3/12/1]. More to come.
5. “Amazon, Apple and Uber, oh my! While individually these companies may not turn healthcare on its head, the collective announcements are waking people up to the fact there is a better way of doing things and that if they don’t innovate, someone else will” according to Becker’s Hospital Review. If you want their HIMSS 18 trend highlights, here are our top five from their list (not covered in our own recap):
• The cloud is now the destination for seemingly every provider, for everything. (We’re happy to talk Salesforce Health Cloud with you).
• Telehealth is now mainstream, with every health system at various stages of deployment.
• Cybersecurity is now a board level imperative with providers looking to collaborate.
• Predictive analytics is now driving both operational improvements and clinical decisions (Is your data connected for reporting?).
• Artificial intelligence is now possible because the data set is now accessible.
6. “To meet our patient expectations, we must focus on running a customer-centric business,” notes VP Solutions and Services John Supra of the Care Coordination Institute. “There are significant opportunities to bring outstanding customer experiences and real-time insights to our patients – much of what we see in other industries is simply not being used in healthcare. We need to elevate our expectations of technology, and the business of healthcare, and deliver services in ways our customers expect.” [@cci_health, Virsys12/Healthcare IT Leaders Breakfast]
Virsys12 was proud to see our client, 180 Health Partners, receive the Salesforce “Population Health Trailblazer Award” for their work (fueled by Health Cloud) — as they support Opioid-addicted expectant Moms becoming drug-free by birth…and succeeding. We also thank myNEXUScare for presenting their success story with us at the Salesforce booth on Thursday. Stay tuned for their full story soon at Thanks to our V12 Network implementation partners at Healthcare IT Leaders for co-sponsoring our breakfast at the Paris Hotel…memorable. Finally, a shout out to Clark Buckner, Relationary Marketing and @MEDHOST for including us in your podcast. More on that to follow.
Want to talk about any of this? Give us a shout at We look forward to the conversation.
Another HIMSS in the books (thank you Las Vegas) and many will return to work as usual. Some will remember great moments and integrate new thinking in their work. A few, maybe you, will change the world with innovation.
A quick recap of insights and actionable news:
1. “Healthcare is ripe for innovation and must be much simpler for patients – appointment scheduling, medication reconciliation, pre-procedure preparation, adhering to medication and follow-up orders, determining co-pay and deductibles…really simpler for physicians and caregivers as well”, shared Eric Thrailkill, VP and CIO for AMSURG, an Envision Healthcare Solution. “Ten years ago, very few of our centers offered surgery on a Saturday – the world is different today, consumer expectations are high and healthcare must think like other industries, where transparency and convenience become what we offer patients. A ‘shoppable’ experience with access to schedules, quality and safety scores and an “Open Table” experience for surgeries and services.” [@AmSurgCorp, Virsys12/Healthcare IT Leaders Breakfast]
2. “Next focus on healthcare will likely include next generation revenue cycle management transformation – engaging with patients in a better simplified way, provider investment dollars going toward the patient – not the back room, robotic process automation, and artificial intelligence,” according to Tommy Lewis, SVP Strategic Initiatives for Change Healthcare. “On the business side of healthcare, we have to stop thinking about automating disparate processes and start tying the disparate processes together. Blockchain is not to the point of enhancing the patient experience yet but we enabled our network to memorialize every transaction (50 million per day) when we went live in December.” [@Change_HC, Virsys12/Healthcare IT Leaders Breakfast]
3. Meaningful Use overhaul is coming because “It is extremely rare for different provider systems to be able to share data,” according to CMS Administrator Seema Verma at the HIMSS 18 keynote on March 5. “In most cases … it’s in the financial interest of the provider systems to hold on to the data for their patients.” Verma also unveiled Medicare’s Blue Button 2.0, a web application that provides a secure way for Medicare beneficiaries to access and share their personal health data in a universal digital format. The application will allow patients to access and share their healthcare information, previous prescriptions, treatments and procedures with a new doctor; such sharing can reduce duplication in testing and provide continuity of care.
4. Reactions from registrants and media were mixed to news on Thursday from the White House around healthcare – ranging from positive to questioning including this from HISTalk: “The White House and HHS used the HIMSS conference to come out shockingly forcefully in vowing to attack information blocking; to give patients more control over their information; to move more quickly into value-based care; to reduce physician EHR burden; and to disrupt the system in which health systems keep charging more without delivering commensurately improved outcomes. Nobody knows how these talking points will get turned into policy.” [Dr. Jane, HISTalk Monday Update 3/12/1]. More to come.
5. “Amazon, Apple and Uber, oh my! While individually these companies may not turn healthcare on its head, the collective announcements are waking people up to the fact there is a better way of doing things and that if they don’t innovate, someone else will” according to Becker’s Hospital Review. If you want their HIMSS 18 trend highlights, here are our top five from their list (not covered in our own recap):
• The cloud is now the destination for seemingly every provider, for everything. (We’re happy to talk Salesforce Health Cloud with you).
• Telehealth is now mainstream, with every health system at various stages of deployment.
• Cybersecurity is now a board level imperative with providers looking to collaborate.
• Predictive analytics is now driving both operational improvements and clinical decisions (Is your data connected for reporting?).
• Artificial intelligence is now possible because the data set is now accessible.
6. “To meet our patient expectations, we must focus on running a customer-centric business,” notes VP Solutions and Services John Supra of the Care Coordination Institute. “There are significant opportunities to bring outstanding customer experiences and real-time insights to our patients – much of what we see in other industries is simply not being used in healthcare. We need to elevate our expectations of technology, and the business of healthcare, and deliver services in ways our customers expect.” [@cci_health, Virsys12/Healthcare IT Leaders Breakfast]
Virsys12 was proud to see our client, 180 Health Partners, receive the Salesforce “Population Health Trailblazer Award” for their work (fueled by Health Cloud) — as they support Opioid-addicted expectant Moms becoming drug-free by birth…and succeeding. We also thank myNEXUScare for presenting their success story with us at the Salesforce booth on Thursday. Stay tuned for their full story soon at Thanks to our V12 Network implementation partners at Healthcare IT Leaders for co-sponsoring our breakfast at the Paris Hotel…memorable. Finally, a shout out to Clark Buckner, Relationary Marketing and @MEDHOST for including us in your podcast. More on that to follow.
Want to talk about any of this? Give us a shout at We look forward to the conversation.