Healthcare Technology Tackles the Patient Billing Challenge

Healthcare and heavy cost seem to go hand in hand these days

In the clinical environment, the mantra is clear: we have to put patients at the center of care. But when it comes to billing and reimbursements, the reality is, the patient has always come last. Anyone who’s been a patient recently knows this all too well. You receive the bill and have no idea what […]

Making Progress Toward Healthcare Interoperability

When healthcare leaders talk about things like improving efficiencies, lowering costs and using data more effectively to improve individual and population health, the discussion invariably turns to interoperability. But just what is interoperability? HIMSS defines it as “the ability of different information systems, devices or applications to connect, in a coordinated manner, within and across […]

5 Change Management Practices for Healthcare Transformation Success

The move to value-based care means healthcare leaders today are being tasked with guiding their organizations through massive strategic transformations to improve quality, efficiency and effectiveness. These initiatives involve implementing new systems and processes that affect everything from financing to service delivery to the need for increased connections and collaboration with other entities and providers. […]